Writer’s debut novel typed with toes recounts disabled woman’s love story

TEHRAN – A physically challenged Iranian writer who lacks normal use of her hands has written a love story about a disabled woman in her debut novel typed entirely with her toes.
Jamkaran has recently published the novel “Flying in the Cage”, which Fatemeh Mohammad-Sharifi wrote over a period of seven years.
The book contains lessons for all, especially those people who are living with the physically challenged.
“This book tells the story of a woman who is struggling with some wild thoughts. In her struggles, along with her husband, they decide to have a baby,” Mohammad-Sharifi told the Persian service of Tasmin on Saturday.
“My story belongs to all women who want to fight for success and a new perspective despite all the difficulties and limitations. They are well-informed about these problems and take their steps forward steadily,” she added.
Mohammad-Sharifi, who has also created numerous paintings with her toes, switched to writing almost ten years ago to recover her balance after a period of mental crisis.
“Flying in the Cage”, Mohammad-Sharifi says, is an attempt to help others enjoy the taste of love and affection and avoid prejudice.
“People with a strong body do not necessarily think well. The physically challenged have the right to live and others should help them not to hurt them,” she noted and added that she dedicated her book to those mothers having a disabled daughter.
“They [mothers] are suffering so much pain and feeling grief more than others,” she said.
She asked the relevant public organizations to help raise people’s culture in the treatment of physically challenged people and noted, “Families should know that they can have a healthy life with a disable child and they should not tell the children ‘you cannot,’ ‘it’s not possible,’ etc.”
“In my opinion, a lack of self-confidence is our greatest problem, in addition, we see our problems greater than what they are,” lamented Mohammad-Sharifi who has showcased her paintings in several solo exhibits.
Photo: A poster shows a copy of the Persian novel “Flying in the Cage” by Fatemeh Mohammad-Sharifi.
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